<WORLD-FIRST> Digital Musical Score CANON starts the service to customize its background with favorite illustrations and pictures
The latest trends for musical scores. Listen, watch and enjoy them. Fun feature to motivate players.

Funtap Co., LTD. (Shimogyo-ward, Kyoto, CEO Daisuke Araki) starts the world-first *1 service in the application “CANON Musical Score Viewer” to customize its background. This service provides this innovative function, based on the technique developed by Funtap, where users can customize its background of the digital musical scores on display (staff notation and notes) with favorite illustrations and pictures.

First, we will start by introducing the works of Mocha as templates, a background illustrator who has worked for a number of animations films. Future delivery of our original musical scores is being planned by collaborating with more animation works.

As of 29 May, 2020 (Searched by Funtap)

Amid the pandemic of novel Corona Virus, the demand has been increasing for digital musical scores that users can easily get their favorite scores any time and can enjoy playing music at home.

This service is released as an additional function in the iPad application “CANON Musical Score Viewer” where scores can be displayed, played, transposed, and written in on display.

Digital Musical Score CANON

The musical score delivery service “Digital Musical Score CANON”, developed for all range of music players, provides users with options of how to enjoy the scores, both hard copy and digital display. Scores can be downloaded in PDF format, or can be displayed on smart phones and tablets through “Digital Musical Score Viewer”. About 4,000 titles have been delivered and sold online.
Funtap sets its goal to support music players, through digital musical scores, aiming that they can perform music even more comfortably.